Introduction to Energy Psychology


What is Energy Psychology?

"Energy psychology (EP) is a collection of mind-body approaches for understanding and improving human functioning. EP focuses on the relationship between thoughts, emotions, sensations, and behaviors, and known bioenergy systems (such as meridians and the biofield). These systems and processes exist, and interact, within individuals and between people. "Energy psychology addresses the relationship of energy systems to emotion, cognition, behavior and health. These systems include electrical activity of the nervous system and heart, meridians, biophotons, biofields, etc. Although psychological functioning involves thought, emotions, chemistry, neurology, genetics and environmental aspects, at an essential level bioenergy is also involved. Just as an audiotape or computer hard drive contain information in electromagnetic fields, similarly our brain and body operate electromagnetically. Energy psychology is applicable to a wide range of areas including psychotherapy, counseling, education, vocational guidance, physical health, pain management, sports and peak performance."
Among the most widely known energy psychotherapies Advanced Energy Psychology™ (a.k.a. Energy Diagnostic and Treatment Methods or EDxTM™), Midline Technique (MLT)™, Identity Method (IM)™, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and Energy Consciousness Therapy (ECT)™. Energy psychotherapy is compatible with many standard approaches to therapy. 

see also post on:
Introduction to EFT Emotional Freedom Techniques "Tapping"

"Meridians are the pathways of qi (chi) and blood flow through the body. Qi flows continuously from one meridian to another. Any break in the flow is an indication of imbalance. If a person's vitality or energy is recognizably diminished it is an indication that the body's organs or tissues are functioning poorly, therefore the qi flow is inadequate."

Qi or Chi
"In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i  is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity Qi translates as "air" and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong. "


"The human biofield is the energetic blueprint or matrix that creates the human form. Every human being, and every living creature on this planet, has such a blueprint. The human biofield is multidimensional, offering 3D physical form along with the vibrational aspects of the emotional and mental planes and beyond. The biofield is holographic and predetermines who we are, while at the same time reflects our state of being moment to moment. If any portion of the physical body is removed, the holographic blueprint of that tissue remains. The biofield can be read, scanned and interpreted in many different ways, just like any blueprint."

Body Mind Spirit Success
How to be successful in a body, using energy psychology.
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Jane Leu Rekas, LCSW

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