Vision Problems and Anxiety

What do we know? There can be a connection between anxiety and vision problems.  
"Anxiety can cause many eye problems and vision symptoms, such as seeing stars, shimmers, blurry vision, shadows, sensitivity to light, eye strain, tunnel vision, and others." source
suggested: Hyperstimulation Test

"When you suffer from intense anxiety, two things happen to your eyes. First, your pupils dilate. When your fight or flight system is activated, your pupils dilate to make it easier to see and make quick decisions (in a fight, you need to be able to see a threat coming). This is what causes issues like light sensitivity and eye aches. You also experience a tightening of the muscles in your face. This may constrict the blood vessels to the eyes and cause further eye pain, aches, or even some blurred vision." calmclinic

"When you’re anxious about something, your fight or flight response is activated, and your body produces the hormones adrenaline and cortisol to prepare you for “potential threats.” Excessive release of these stress hormones can cause systemic imbalances, causing symptoms like: Trouble focusing, etc." source

"Some of these visual symptoms, like tunnel vision and light sensitivity, may be more likely to appear more during acute anxiety episodes, like a panic attack. But many of these symptoms, like eye strain and eye twitching, are more likely associated with the long-term effects of excess stress and anxiety." source

"In high-stress situations, your body activates its fight or flight response. A key part of this reaction is the release of adrenaline. This in turn increases your heart rate and blood pressure, pumping more blood to your muscles. However, this adrenaline rush also impacts your eyes. It widens your pupils, letting in more light and intensifying the appearance of spots and floaters." source


  • "Vision therapy. Regular eye exercises to ease discomfort and improve visual skills and abilities in affected eyes. Your vision therapist may use training glasses/lenses, prisms, filters, electronic devices, or balance boards to perform the therapy. "

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Jane Leu Rekas, LCSW

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